Greetings Housing Justice Community! Save the date for the next General TAHJ Meeting online which is scheduled for: TAHJ General Meeting ONLINEThursday October 26th, 2023 5:00pm-6:30pm ONLINE (Only):Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 1555 0096Passcode: HousingMeeting Input: Do you have a quick update for your organization that you'd like to share either in this meeting or a future meeting? A question for frame […]
Greetings Housing Justice Community! Save the date for the next General TAHJ Meeting online which is scheduled for: TAHJ General Meeting ONLINEMonthly on the fourth Thursday5:00pm-6:30pm ONLINE (Only):Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 1555 0096Passcode: HousingMeeting Input: Do you have a quick update for your organization that you'd like to share either in this meeting or a future meeting? A question you […]
Hi all! For some reason the Coffee and Donuts calendar invite got canceled so I am resending it with our updated time, yay! So sorry if this caused confusion. Thank you! Ashley
Greetings Housing Justice Community! Save the date for the next General TAHJ Meeting online which is scheduled for: TAHJ General Meeting ONLINEThursday October 26th, 2023 5:00pm-6:30pm ONLINE (Only):Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 1555 0096Passcode: HousingMeeting Input: Do you have a quick update for your organization that you'd like to share either in this meeting or a future meeting? A question for frame […]
Greetings Housing Justice Community! Save the date for the next General TAHJ Meeting online which is scheduled for: TAHJ General Meeting ONLINEMonthly on the fourth Thursday5:00pm-6:30pm ONLINE (Only):Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 1555 0096Passcode: HousingMeeting Input: Do you have a quick update for your organization that you'd like to share either in this meeting or a future meeting? A question you […]
Send us a message or join our mailing list by entering your information here. We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have received an eviction notice and need immediate assistance, please contact Pima County EELS at 520-724-3357.
Envíenos un mensaje o únase a nuestra lista de correo ingresando su información aquí. Nos comunicaremos con usted lo antes posible. Si recibió un aviso de desalojo y necesita asistencia inmediata, comuníquese con Pima County EELS al 520-724-3357.
Website creation supported with funding from the City of Tucson Housing and Community Development Department and Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness.